The robots and artificial intelligence are coming. They are rolling into all walks of life and all corners of the world. How will we live together, as humans and robots, and how will we ensure that we build a better world? How are robotics and AI impacting architecture and design?

Dr. Mahesh Daas, President of the Boston Architectural College, presents findings related to his recent book, Towards a Robotic Architecture. The field of robotics is coming of age. Robotics and artificial intelligence represent the next cutting edge technology to transform the fields of architecture and design. The past decade’s surge towards more computationally defined building systems and highly adaptable open-source design software has left the field ripe for the integration of robotics whether through large-scale building fabrication or through more intelligent/adaptive building systems. Through this surge, architecture has not only been greatly influenced by these emerging technologies, but has also begun influencing other disciplines in unexpected ways.