Global Impact visits to China, India & South Korea

Six universities in five cities in China and South Korea have established productive relationships and potential joint degree programs.

Tongji University, Shanghai; Nanjing Technological University, Nanjing; South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou; Chang’an University, Xi’an; Chung Ang University, Seoul; and Incheon National University, Incheon are vibrant places enthusiastic about pursuing academic collaborations.

I have had the pleasure of being a commencement speaker at Nanjing Technological University, and delivering a talk in Guangzhou.

I have also enjoyed visiting Yushan village near Xi’an, where architect Ma Quingyun and the American Academy of China have undertaken village development work where KU could participate.

In India we are exploring two partnerships: Mysore University and the School of Planning and Architecture in Vijayawada

Here are some snippets from my visits:

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